This is Lena Belle

This is Lena Belle, Songstress of the Light, stepping out into her full form, being who she is in the world, sharing love through music, through sound, with the intention of spreading awakening, joy, love, and harmony throughout the cosmos.

Dear love,

I want to welcome you into this world with me, truly, from my heart to yours. We have enough stress, anxiety, pressure, and suffering in this world. My intention is not to add to that but instead to create a space of relief from that. I want us to come together and just be, just let go of all of that and remember that I am you and you are me. I really do love you. It sounds weird maybe, because maybe I have not met you, but I feel confident in my love for you all the same.

Why do I love you? I love you, because you are life itself. You are the breath I breathe, the ocean, the seas.

You are me.

Maybe that sounds weird. Does it?

Does it really sound that weird? What if we all walked through the world like that? What if we all just walked around deeply rooted in our awareness of our infinite love for one another? Wouldn’t that be an awesome world to live in? Sounds fun to me.

So now I will get a little more specific about my background, since this is an introduction to Lena Belle. This is my first official blog post for this new blog.

Let’s start with where I am now. I am living in NYC. I am a singer, songwriter, sound healer, keyboardist, vocal coach, reiki healer, yoga teacher, priestess, Goddess, fairy, light being. haha

I love nature, because nature is me. I love me because I am nature.

Nature Knows! Btw, if you haven’t heard my single Nature Knows, check it out here!

So I could go deeper into my history and everything, but I don’t feel like telling my entire life story at the current moment. But it will come out here and there in future blog posts, in my songs, videos, at shows, and all of that good stuff.

But, what I do want to know is how did you get here? What are you looking for in life? Why do you love music? Take a sec to answer these questions in the comments below! I want to hear from you and connect with you. Feel free to share this blog post on social media as well.

Take a second and sign up for the mailing list right at the bottom of this page! You will receive a free download of Nature Knows and many other gifts and offers to come! It is the best way to stay in contact and be notified when I am coming to your city to perform and share workshops.

Follow me on social media and subscribe on Youtube! I love to hear your comments and connect.

So with that, I leave you for the moment. I want to say thank you so much for taking the time to read and connect with my soul in this way.


Thank you. I love you,

Lena Belle